Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dedicated to Gloria Evans, She Inspired All

We Grow in Her Love and Spirit

When we are born, we come into this world, naked and cold into
the warm, embracing arms of our mother. She comforts us, nurtures
us, provides us the necessities of life. Food, shelter but most of
all love. The world is a beautiful place in her warmth.

We Grow in Her Love and Spirit,

Soon we are mobile, we begin to walk and are likely to find our first pain in the world.
When we fall down, she is there to pick us up. Oh, but the love makes it better.
If we touch the hot stove, it hurts! She is there to kiss the boo-boo. Oh, but the love makes it better.

We Grow in Her Love and Spirit,

Not too long, we rebel in our 'terrible twos'! Of course, we have to assert ourselves, and we find new pain, disapproval.
Thankfully we learn fast, we don't like this new pain. She doesn't give up on us, even though we are so assertive. She merely picks us up and gives us love.

We Grow in Her Love and Spirit,

The first day of school, time to separate from the one who has sheltered us. Can we do it? With her loving way, she encourages us. She explains how we need to grow. We soon learn we can. Mom really is a smart person, she knew this secret all along and shared it with us! She really does love us!

We Grow in Her Love and Spirit,

Through the years following, she teaches us the difference between right and wrong. How to live by the 'Golden Rule'. How to live a Christian life. All the things we need to grow, conduct ourselves as productive people. We look at her with love and admiration. We think she is the most beautiful woman on the earth. She is also the smartest person who ever lived. Our mother becomes almost Goddess like in quality to us. We put her on a pedestal.

We Grow in Her Love and Spirit,

And then, we become a teenager...
We forget everything we ever knew. We fight authority. We fight our mothers. And something really strange happens...Mother suddenly doesn't understand anything. She doesn't know anything about us or what is going on in the world today. In such a short time, she has become ignorant.

We Grow in Her Love and Spirit, (but we don't recognize it)

We can't wait to leave home, to be on our own. We've got to be 'our own boss'. To try our wings. Through this all, mom still nurtures and loves us, maybe even more than ever, but we are blinded. She talks from experience, but we are blinded and don't listen. We have to make our own mistakes as every generation before us has...

We Grow in Her Love and Spirit, from afar

We've found our mate and now facing our future family. Suddenly, mom is the one we turn to for advice. We recognize she really was right all along. Why, oh why, did we turn our back on her, especially when we needed her the most? And she nurtures us with her love. She has never given up on us. There is nothing we could ever do to change her love for us. She continues to love unconditionally.

She is the one we turn to when we have our first child.

Phone calls in the middle of the night, the baby is crying,..what do I do?

She is the one we turn to when needing advice.

She is always the one to listen when we need someone to listen, no matter what the subject is or how it sounds.

And She Continues to Shower Us With Her Love and Spirit,

One day, we realize our Mother is not as young as she used to be. The roles of parent and child seem to start blurring. We find ourselves helping our mother more and more. As she gets older, she needs more attention and help. We give our love unconditionally and shower her with our love and spirit.

We always lose our mothers too fast. No day, age or time is ever late enough. The time is always a shock to those who love her so dearly. When we lose our mother, we lose a large part of our life. She was there when we came into this world. She was there through every step of our life. It has always been inconceivable she would ever NOT be there. But the circle of life moves forward...

And We Shower Our Children With Love and Spirit... Known From Our Mother’s Love.

by Mary Evans and Dedicated to Gloria Evans and her loving family.

'The Hands of Time'
5 generation photo by Pamela McFarland Walsh

(**Please see the story of this extraordinary photo that is circulating the Internet, below.**)

This was inspired by my mother-in-law's passing on March 28, 2009. I found myself with this one line 'We Grow in Her Love and Spirit', that kept repeating itself over and over in my mind. I didn't know why or what it meant, but slowly bits and pieces emerged to tell this story.

I finally am able to put this down in a forum I hope will reach others. I have been touched by others before so many times in their stories and experiences. I hope to give back and hopefully help someone else.

Everyone who knew Gloria, will say she lived her life for others. She gave a piece of herself everyday to help those less fortunate. Not only through her church but her personal life as well. I truly believe she had a hand in helping me to put this together.

I lost my mother July 31st, 1998. She passed away much too soon. She was only 68. She passed away suddenly which was a blessing to all of us. She suffered from congestive heart failure and had been suffering for about a year. I lost part of my heart with her that day. My mother was my best friend, my mentor and my soul mate. I know I will be with her when I am rewarded.

On, March 28, 2009, I lost my mother-in-law. Gloria was much more than just a mother-in-law. She was my best friend, mentor and mother. I have been blessed to have her in my life. When my mother passed away, she stepped right in to help me over the pain of loss. I will miss her as much as the loss of my mother. If ever there was a person that gave so much of herself, Gloria would be #1 on the list.

After losing my mother in 1998, a few months later, my husband and I were on vacation. We went down to the continental breakfast at the motel. There was an older woman with snow white hair and a younger woman there serving themselves. The younger woman was scolding the older woman and making it known she was not pleased with the way her mother was acting.

When I went to the counter to serve my plate...the older woman reached up and folded the tag into my dress. I felt her hand and turned around to her smiling face and told her thank you, I appreciate it. Her daughter, turned around to me, after her mother left and said, 'Please don't mind her, she is always doing crazy things like that' in the most exasperating tone. She apologized for her 'misbehaving' mother. In my mind, I thought...'you just don't know how blessed you are.'

I looked at her and said, 'You know, you really should be glad you have your mother. I lost mine at a very early age of only 68. You really need to enjoy everyday you have with your mother.' Unfortunately, I think my words fell on deaf ears as the woman turned around and started barking at her mother again.

I do know how it is so easy to get frustrated with older parents who seem to make such great demands on our time and efforts. They are set in their ways, etc. If I could trade just one day with one person who is feeling that way today, to be in your shoes, with my mother back again..I cannot express the joy my heart would hold.

You will never know until it is too late.

If one person reads this today and goes home and gives their Mother a big hug or kiss and tell them how much they love them, my heart will be full.


**When Pamela McFarland Walsh took this photograph (see above), she published it on her blog and not long after the photo and poem below started showing up all over the Internet with different photographers taking credit for the photo. The poem started showing up as written by anonymous.
Nothing could be further from the truth.

The photograph was taken March 2006 by Pamela McFarland Walsh. The hands belong to five generations of women in her family. They are:

"5 Generations of Women" (from the top clockwise):
Pauline Boppenmeyer, age 93
Barbara Boppenmeyer McFarland
Gayle McFarland Arnn
Sara Arnn Allard
Laurel Michel Allard (Note the spelling, it is "Michel")

To read more about this very talented photographer and woman, please visit her website.

Her website is: